Friday, May 27, 2011

Psychoanalytic theory of selfishness

 One of the main plus points of studying Psychology is that it broadens your perspective and makes you realize that there are all kinds of people in the world- the friendly ones, the shy, the bold, the hyper. In recent times, i have been trying to figure out what is it in a person that moulds them to be who they are. Freud's theory worked wonders in helping me with this, (to some degree) that the outward behavior is influenced by the unconscious. So, it is something in the environment or some event that has taken place in the life of the individual that makes him acquire certain distinct characteristics. For example, a girl who was physically abused during childhood, tends to develop hatred against men. But this does not explain selfishness wherein people talk about a certain event just to make another person feel terrible about it, or to rub it in their face. Guess it makes them feel good about it, but what ever happened to the conscience of these people? Do they not feel guilty for going that? Or don't they know what they are doing?

What i haven't been able to figure out so far is what exactly makes a person be selfish? Being possessive is one thing, but there are people who talk to you only when they need your help, or else, your existence does not matter to them; they are with you as long as they feel they need you and the minute they meet someone new or someone who they feel are better than you, they do not even give you a glance. None of the theories on personality have been helpful in stating a reason for this; it cant be an acquired trait because it does not classify as a basic feeling so how could one acquire it or learn it from the environment unless, a child is taught to put his needs first and not give a thought about anything else? I am sure no parent would invoke that feeling in their child. So, it's not a learnt trait, does not fit the social theory, is definitely is not explained in the Humanistic Approach, then what is it. I think i just confused myself. :|

Apparently, I happen to be blessed in meeting a good lot of such people and since i am the only one who seems to see this trait of theirs, i am getting bored. I need a variation, a different trait to break my head upon. Selfishness is getting plain monotonous and annoying.


Ikya said...

Never studied psychology, and at the risk of sounding foolish... I feel you are right about parents not inculcating it in their kids.. But I feel its still a learnt trait. I feel most of us learn this out of experience.. You know, like being at the receiving end for a while makes you want to be the selfish one. Not to hurt the other person or give him/her a dose of their medicine. Just so they are incapable of hurting you anymore. But its tough to stop then.. :)

Insatiable said...

You never fail to make me laugh, Ik. :) Yeah, it is not a learnt trait but then people with a conscience would not adopt selfishness right? I mean, if someone has been surrounded by selfish people all their life, then they try everything that they possibly can to differ and not hurt people they are close to by making them go through the same?

Ikya said...

Really?? You make me happy!!:)
You know I feel if someone is surrounded by selfish people all their life, they'd be immune. If not, they'd just try to let people affect them... This either makes people very.. you know.. selfless.. or it'll just make them one of those selfish people. And that, is much easier.. so 90% of people choose that. :)

Insatiable said...

Again, guess that differs from person to person? It is absolutely impossible to be immune to selfish people. The only people who do not see selfishness are the naive ones who think that the world is full of nice people. How can people choose to be selfish because of someone else? That is not good and i think I lost track of what we were talking about. :D

Ikya said...

Oh thank God. I thought I was the only one!:P
where have you beennn????? I have so much to tell you OMG! and please delete my previous comment. If my friend sees it, I am dead! :P

Ikya said...

ahem!:| not supposed to publish that!:P
Publish this,
Wow, this happened to you too? I thought I was the only one. :)
BTW, I have pop up comments too now!:D

Insatiable said...

:D I saw! It's a lot more better than the embedded comments, isn't it? :)

Ikya said...

is it? I never had an issue.. I dont know!:P Yes go publish everything!:P Benzy, hug!Bruno whater doing?

Insatiable said...

It is for the reader! I deleted your comments long back. :P Benzy hugs back. Bruno is asking for treats. He went on a long drive today so he's all smiles :)

Insatiable said...

It is for the reader! I deleted your comments long back. :P Benzy hugs back. Bruno is asking for treats. He went on a long drive today so he's all smiles :)

Sunny Dhanoe said...

Too Much of Gyan.. but i liked it...thx 4 sharing :D

Sunny Dhanoe