Monday, June 13, 2011

"MY" Bull!

Have you ever noticed a particular animal on your way to work/college every day and have taken that particular road just so that you can catch a glimpse of that animal? (I shouldn't be surprised if i am the only one:/ =/ :/)
There is this bull that i pass by every morning and i have not seen a bull that big and sturdy(he could easily maul other cows to death) and it makes him look so adorable.Even then, there is something very gentle about his looks that makes him look like the most adorable animal on the planet. Hence, i HAVE to see him every morning, just brings this weird sense of satisfaction and happiness. Cheap thrills. I have never managed to successfully photograph him from a moving vehicle but this is almost what he looks like. I have even happily christened him "MY Bull" simply because i like the sound of that. :) Maybe the guy who owns him would sell him to me? I should find out.

Image from Google


Ikya said...

I screameddddd after seeing the picture only!! Near my college, there were these cows.. But there was this one particular cow that was HUGE and was vain cause she loved seeing her reflection in the glass Of these new stores that opened there..
She would sit in the middle of the road (it was a galli) and would refuse to move! She was ADORABLE! I would take rotis and stuff for her.. All my friends named her Iky. :D So...:D:D

Insatiable said...

Screamed out of happiness, i hope? A vain cow? How adorable! :D This bull sleeps on the divider, trying to look all haughty. :) You have a cow named after you! Cute! =D