Saturday, June 19, 2010

In rare cases,Maturity Comes With Age

Strange how the littlest of things that used to upset you a couple of years ago, dont bother you anymore. There was a point of time when we avoided going to formal functions 'cause of the attire we were made to wear. Formals and Ethnic.
Now, its just another attire. Another formality which cannot be avoided,smile away like a retard even if you aren't familiar with any of the guests.
Jeez. Sometimes I feel it would just be better if we were all frozen in time.


At other times, I'm thanking God for making me older than my cousins. And people.


Neeharika said...

soo true!! if givin a chance i'd wan 2 aviod des situation forever :P

Insatiable said...

oh,come on! you are good with salwars!

Neeharika said...

yea tru.. doesn mean i lik wearn em.. n 4gat bout d clothes.. half d ppl u meet der,u won even kno.. n den ders dat stupid stupid thing de say.."oh my god! u've grown so much!!"

Unknown said...

Good Blog. like duh!Stumbled upon this accidentally!I had this similar situation lately.I was feeling lyk this "whacko dude" the entire day.All I could see is people sticking their tongues out juz fe the free awesome meal.3/4 th of the people I met where like full-time retards. Oh my ghosh darn I wished I could slip away.

Insatiable said...

haha.. dont we all just hate it

Unknown said...

Hell yeah. May be they should see this post on this blog.. :P