Friday, June 11, 2010

A Random Note

1. Not everyone who shows concern for you, are your friends. They might just be people sticking with you for their own selfish reasons.

2. Everyone has a sob story to tell and not everyone has enough patience to listen so save it.

3. The most idiotic question you could ever ask would be "can i ask you something?". Isn't it obvious that the other person wouldn't say "no"?

4. A true friend never asks you to choose between them and your boyfriend/girlfriend. They learn to adapt.

5. It feels real good when,at the end of the day, your friend says "text me when you get home. So that i'm sure you reached safely."

6. Its OK to just smile into blank space for no reason.

7. Sarcasm used on people who dont get it, is sarcasm gone for a waste. Its plain annoying to have a conversation with dumb people. No offence.

8. My patience is super limited at times.

9. Everybody loves to crib and fret but sometimes,it can get a bit too much. Just a little bit.

10. A big bowl of chocolate mousse is a must when your at the peak of your frustration and you feel like you could kill someone.

11. The best thing about a rough patch is the amount of happiness that flows through your system (for a long long time) when you get out of it and you realise you could have given up. But you dint. And you made it!

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