Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The power of being impatient, it's called

I believe in Zodiac signs as much as i believe in Bruno and his "don't eat" tricks. Not in the daily predictions, mind you, but the love signs and compatibility, et all. It is fun AND true, to an extent.
But his whole thing about Taureans being "patient", i dont know who got that from where. Maybe they thought "hey, let's just make the summer children feel better and compare them to bulls and say the have patience that can move mountains!". Amusing, and it works because we get ourselves to think we are patient and we actually end up being so. Miracles do happen, they said.
I woudnt be surprised if i am the only Taurean who is this way, though. Especially with the recent turn of events, i would not be surprised if i find a Genie in my wardrobe, willing to fulfill all my darn wishes. Finding happiness where you least expect it, or something of that sort. Are you listening, Genie?
Back to the topic, clearly the person who incorporated "patience" in Taurus was not of the same sign, if he was not playing a prank. To a certain degree, i guess you could call us patient otherwise, it just sounds so wrong.
I have been (blessed) with this disorder of making lists.
Lists of what to do.
Lists of what text books to buy.
Lists of what notebooks to buy.
Lists of what i want.
Lists of what i need.
Lists of what i should do.
Lists of what i need to do.
Addition to animal kingdom.
You get the point.
It's obsessive and i can drive myself insane with this, with no help from my sibling, really. What's worse is that, it does not just stop at making the lists. You want to and HAVE TO do things on the list and mark it as done.And you want to get it done with before you can say "guinea pig".I.want.it.now. 
The symptoms include waking up in the middle of the night and jotting down more things in your little book.
Go to Landmark and to buy the green book you saw.
While at it, dont forget the erasers!
Oh and those colorful pencils.
Times like these i curse for not having a monochromatic vision. Things would be so much more simpler then. Or so i would like to believe. Let's not be diplomatic, now.
Those crayons , iwant. No no, i NEED.
For what? I dont know. Use it as a marker on the text book? I could take them to college everyday, and find someway to put it to use. It would fit perfectly between the pouch that contains a hundred different colored pens and the huge purse.
Why does there have to be such pretty, colorful things at the stationery shop?! Kill me now!

Oink and chop.


Santhosh Vijayananda said...

Didnt understand the photo..might b from landmark.!!
Looks like the ant in monsters vs aliens..hope its not on ur wish list..!!

Insatiable said...

Not on my wish list because it is already mine. Always wanted a stuffed toy like this one. Thus, the picture.

Ikya said...

aaaaaahhh! Kill me woman! this sounds exactly like ... whats going on in my mind!:D OMG How HOOWWW can this be?! So freaky this is!!! :|
except the genie part! If I find him in my wardrobe, The bugg*r will just take what I have I am so annoyeddd!!!!!! GAH! Why cant the world just finish itself NOW?!

Insatiable said...

When the stationery bit is replaced with MAC,then it is exactly how you feel right now? :) Freaky yes. So maybe the zodiac signs does play a significant role in our lives.

Neeharika said...

i understand the lists n the need to mark things as done! :D but u know me, i'm not that obsessive..yet! :P

Insatiable said...

You are NOT obsessive eh? Go tell that to someone who wasnt with you in the i-want-to-cut-my-hair-short phase :P

Neeharika said...

hehe... k k.. i am obsessive :P its fun tho.. i drive people nuts :P