Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Ban On Plastic

This decision, by far, has been the wisest decision taken ever by the Government and i realized this when I went for my daily ritual of Golguppa. 

Every morning, i pass this huge heard of cattle and i cant help (i love cows and there is a particular bull in the herd that has the sweetest of faces!) but notice them trying to chew through the bazillion plastic covers in an attempt to get to the food that is inside. I have been around animals all my life, especially cows. My parents have been taking us to our farm house every summer and i have spent most of my time there in the cow shed, either feeding the cows or measuring the length of their tongues. I guess that's how my love towards animals started, i never let anyone use the bullock cart then and I still make a fuss when people around me suggest to use an animal for transport. :|

When i started reading of deaths of dogs and other animals due to suffocation caused by them trying to eat plastic, i made up my mind to give everything plastic for recycling; shampoo bottles, milk covers and even plastic covers. But since plastics like biscuit covers were not accepted because they could not be recycled, we had to throw them and this meant that there could be more animals killed (I still do not understand why people do not pay much heed to an animal that is killed due to their carelessness and get it stuck in their head that since it cannot speak for itself, it's ok if the animal suffers and eventually dies. Humans!)

Thankfully, the ban on plastic that is less than 40microns (above that, the plastic can be recycled) has been taken seriously and people seem to be following it by carrying their own shopping bags and many brands have shifted to using paper bags(that better be recycled too). Amen, to that.

So now, i can eat all my junk food in peace, without worrying about the damage my cookie's packaging cover is going to cause to the animal kingdom! Long live the animals! Oh and yes, thank you, dear Government.


Karishma said...

That is such a great post. can you temme where do you give your plastic for recycling. to the regular Kabadiwala or some place else. I love your blog, but i have to admit you had me at the labrador's pic. happy blogging.

Karishma said...

oh gawd i looove dexter too!! you know what i have to wake up till 2 am every night to catch it, cuz no other time is suitable for me.

Insatiable said...

Hey, thanks a lot. :) I see the picture is serving the purpose!
A few Kabadiwalas take in plastic, they even take little plastic covers. I think Big Bazaar has some campaign about recycling so i assume they take plastic as well.
Haha, really? I used to keep an alarm at 2 and wake up just to watch Dexter. I finished watching the 5th season two days back. Life seems meaningless now :(

Ikya said...

awww the cow is so cute!: I love cows!:D you have a farm?! I'm J! I want one too! and this was a brilliant article!:D

Insatiable said...

Thank you, Ik. :) The farm is ancestral so it isnt really "mine". Does that make you feel better? :) I want a bull. Cows are like bigger versions of dogs when it comes to being gentle :)

Ikya said...

haha true! I love bulls too. I'm pretty much a bull myself minus the male organs.:| I should stop eating doughnuts. Yea, the farm being ancestral helps. sure. :|

Karishma said...

Following you too!!
did you finish dexter on dvds, cuz the fifth season is on right now. And i think you toh must be knowing that dexter and debra were married in real life.

Insatiable said...

@Ik: Oh yes, that way, i am a bull as well!! Haha OK i'll FedEx a bull for your next birthday and then you can have your own farm and Zorro will be in charge of you herd. Now, does that make you feel better? :) Let me know if you stop eating doughnuts, then i will report to you every time i have a doughnut. :P BTW, you have a really cute name :)

@Ginger: I downloaded the whole season and watched it because i could not wait for 24hours for the next episode. I love Michael C Hall and plus, I love Dexter's job! The blood splatter analist one, that is. I think episode 6 is playing now na? Yeah, i know he WAS married to Deb *sob* But thet are divorced now!! She looks prettier off the show, dont you think? Did you know he's diagonised with cancer?

Ikya said...

Ooohhh this makes me very happy!:D oh and don't you doughnut me!:| and Thank you!:D as long as you don't call me the furniture store, I am happy!:D

Insatiable said...

The furniture store? Why, because you love furniture? Haha. I think they put something in your doughnut, Ik. :)

Ikya said...

haha no silly, Ikya and Ikea are pronounced the same. Like Eye-kya :P

Insatiable said...

:| I shall stick to calling you Ikya, the MAC/eclair loving girl then

Ikya said...
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