Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things you could do when sleep doesn't seem to dawn on you

1. Think of the beautiful nachos you had for lunch and wish you could go back in time.

2. Stare at the clutch that you (finally) bought.

3. Gorge on marshmellows.

4. Personalise your boring black file by adding some glitter. How artistic could you get? (EXACTLY why you should go stationery shopping frequently. There's always something new and nice to buy)

5. Make a list of all the things you need (want).

6. Make space for yourself on the bed so that when sleep comes knocking, you can easily give in.

7. Wake up your adorable, sleepy dog with the camera's flash and watch how he stops snoring.

8. Think about time and how it waits for no one. Could I do that? Maybe not.

9. Wonder if your friends were right when they told you that you'll be famous (for the RIGHT reason) someday. (Am I there yet? How much more longer?)

10. Try to recollect the dream you had last night.

11. Play the guitar and think of how much you wish you would own a drum kit.

12. Wonder if that woman will remember to get the Oriflame form in the morning.

13. Think of the future/career. Big dreams.

14. Raid your sibling's room for hidden junk food!

15. Flip through the Dictionary. Wouldn't my high school teacher be so proud of me for following her "learn a new word everyday" ritual, even to this day?

16.Call up friends who are busy preparing for their exams. If lucky, you stand a chance to get yelled at=few minutes of entertainment.

17. Scribble away in the journal! Or maybe just doodle 'cause of lack of motivation.

This list is not gonna end anytime soon, but is only gonna grow. Like my restlessness.



Unknown said...

Wait!Yet another appendage:-Play your favorite music aloud(ensure you ain't disturbing your poor neighbors including your dog if need be :P) and rock on to it!

Ikya said...

I want a drum kit!!!!! :|