Sunday, July 3, 2011

On i burn, Fuel is pumping engine..(Metallica in BANGALORE!!)

This is like a dream come true! After many, many years of rock bands having a concert only in Mumbai, this time Metallica is coming down south to Bangalore (and will not have a concert in Mumbai!) I cannot help but be happy.  They will be playing in New Delhi on the 28th of October, for the opening of the F1 Grad Prix.

I was introduced to Metallica by an older cousin who was (and is) going through a heavy-metal phase. Must have been around 9 years back and i have been hooked to their music ever since, though i shift my music loyalties to a good many other genres, i always held on to Metallica and they are going to be here! In this city! Playing! The number of memories connected to their music is innumerable.

Just another half hour to go before the tickets are on sale (12PM IST), the concert is scheduled to take place on the 30th of October 2011 at Palace Grounds, Main Palace. I hope i finish my exams by then and can go to the concert guilt-free. CANNOT WAIT!!

 Tickets available here.


Sunny Dhanoe said...

Even me looking forward for them.
Long Live Metal!

Sunny Dhanoe

Ikya said...

Iron Maiden came last year no. Why complaining!?! :P I want to come there for thisss!!!!!:X

Insatiable said...

Not complaining, child. Come, come to Bangalore. We'll go see them play live!! =)