Monday, March 30, 2009


I stand alone on the cold,dark stage
The stage full of graffiti and decorations
It brings back memories of the dance
Which went totally wrong.
With the messy dress I was in,
And the ruined make up,
I stand there and think "How could I?"

Maybe it wasn't his fault after all
'Cause he hadn't officially asked me.
Just because he was being sweet,
I could'nt assume he would go with me
It was wrong of me to have expectations.
Neither was it the fault of my best friends for not being there
I cant blame them for being busy with their dates.

In the end,it was I who was hurt
The minute I saw them kiss on the dance floor
I looked for my friends and spotted then dancing
Deciding on not to interrupt,I held back my tears
And rushed to the one place where I thought I would be alone
Once in the parking lot,I sat in my car
But that horrible scene followed me where ever i was.

As I thought of the past,the tears came rolling down
I could not just expect him to come back to me.
When the party came to an end,I got a grip
After an hour,I went back to the dance floor
And the memories of the dance came rushing back
Bringing fresh tears to my eyes.