Studying away from home has always fascinated me to such an extent that in 7th grade, i tried so hard to convince me parents to send me to Dehradun to finish my High School from an institution there. You can believe the disappointment i faced when my parents refused to send me away from home and all my living-in-a-hostel dreams came crashing down on me. Today, i could not be more thankful to them for not sending me away.
More then half my friends in this city are non-localities and being with them for this amount of time has made me realize how much of mental strength one needs to have to stay away from their family, move to a new country/city and start life all over again. You have no one to turn to when you are home sick, you dont eat proper meals because you are too home sick and all you want to do is just bury your head in the pillow and refuse to face daylight. Life just comes to a stand still. We hate it when life comes to a stand still. You have to cook for yourself, do your laundry WHEN you have the time (which may be very difficult, especially if you have a mad college life like ours) and most often than not, you might not find a room mate and you end up staying alone. No animals, because you do not have time to care for them; run around to pay your bills and if it's a hostel you chose to live, the major adjustment to food (which you are not used to); no one to look after you when you are sick. Nothing.
Staying away from home may have it's own perks. You have your freedom , privacy, you learn to be self-dependent, yes. But there is an appropriate time for everything.
Everything happens for a reason, i was told. Makes so much sense now.