Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Happiness She Seeked

She did not believe in being negative, or in complaining. The kind of person who kept her problems mostly to herself and strive to solve them with help from no one. After all, this is what life had taught her. To be strong, to never give up. She helped friends who were in distress, helping people made her feel content. The people who she thought to be selfish were not that bad after all. They had their reasons for reacting negatively to situations. Life was to be blamed and not them. She was glad she realised this. Sooner than later, added a little voice in her head.

Her friend was depressed and was miles away from her family and thus she was her only support. Suddenly, the importance of family came rushing down upon her as her father announced to take her and her sibling out to a restaurant. That day, even the thought of food did not make her happy. One would think that when exposed to a sort of treatment over a period of time, would not evoke any kind of feelings. Wrong. The wound was deep. She knew that it would heal someday, it is only a matter of time. But it would leave behind a scar. A scar. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought if she should start counting all the scars, but she had to push that thought deep into her unconscious again. Which meant more sleepless nights, many more nightmares. She could hear the blare of the horn. Dad. They were waiting for her.

As she looked out the window of the car, she thought to herself that negativity was such a waste of time and it is definately not worth it. Positivity means having expectations but what if those expectations were not met? Nevertheless, she decided to not sway from her principles, she would be positive as much as she could. "Negativity only attracts negativity", she had been told.

Fighting back her tears, she sent a text message to her friend, the one who had said she wants company. Of course she agreed to stay with her till she feels fine. At the end of the day, I have my family, my animals, to turn to and my friend had no one but me, she thought to herself. And she knew what it felt like to not have anyone to talk to when you need them the most, because she had experienced it. The only thing that kept her going were her animals. She would spread happiness. By being there for someone who needed her. By being someone else's reason to smile. At the end of the day, she would be happy to have brought a smile on a friend's face. 

As for her, she will learn to survive as long as the animals continue to exist.. She knew how to keep herself busy and to not give all those people a thought who did not reciprocate her care. She knew of her goals. For, she was focused and nothing could stop her.

The Month That Made Me Run Around

Since the University decided to make this a short semester (which is a good thing, by the way), work load has been piling up with each passing day and the animal kingdom take up most of my free time which gives very little time to get creative or motivated, in fact. Plus, all my creativity is being drained on assignments and planning the "fun" week [each day has a theme and we are to be dressed accordingly. =)] ahead in college. You know how these things work. So no time to breathe or for anything apart from the assignments. Speaking of which, we were asked to write an assignment on ourselves-experiences that made us who we are, memories that we remember from our childhood etc. and while most of them did not exceed 5 pages, i ended up writing a thesis on myself and like that was not enough, i felt i had not done justice in writing down everything. :| Some of us tend to get carried away way too often.

The rodents are growing too quick, putting on kilograms with each passing hour. And so are their claws, which i realize only after they puncture my skin. 

And with the Harry Potter Craze going on-

Back to that newsletter now.

P.S: Thank you,Ikky,for the blog award. =)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

On i burn, Fuel is pumping engine..(Metallica in BANGALORE!!)

This is like a dream come true! After many, many years of rock bands having a concert only in Mumbai, this time Metallica is coming down south to Bangalore (and will not have a concert in Mumbai!) I cannot help but be happy.  They will be playing in New Delhi on the 28th of October, for the opening of the F1 Grad Prix.

I was introduced to Metallica by an older cousin who was (and is) going through a heavy-metal phase. Must have been around 9 years back and i have been hooked to their music ever since, though i shift my music loyalties to a good many other genres, i always held on to Metallica and they are going to be here! In this city! Playing! The number of memories connected to their music is innumerable.

Just another half hour to go before the tickets are on sale (12PM IST), the concert is scheduled to take place on the 30th of October 2011 at Palace Grounds, Main Palace. I hope i finish my exams by then and can go to the concert guilt-free. CANNOT WAIT!!

 Tickets available here.